Web Design

3 Business Website Pages You Can Improve To Boost Conversion Rates On Each Of Them

3 Business Website Pages You Can Improve To Boost Conversion Rates On Each Of Them

No matter what type of business web designers are asked to build a website for, common elements will be included in every website. That will extend to certain pages too. For example, all websites have a home page, which visitors land on when they enter the website’s main URL in their browser or when clicking through from a search on Google.

Other pages that you usually find on most websites are a page with the terms and conditions of using the website, a privacy policy page, an “About Us” page, and a “Frequently Asked Questions” (FAQ) page. Business owners often give little thought to these pages as they do not think they offer anything to convert visitors into prime leads or customers.

However, the exact opposite is true, and if a website’s owner were to take steps concerning how these pages are designed and the content which goes into them, they would find that these pages can indeed help conversion rates on their website. In particular, three common website pages are often given little thought: the FAQ page, the “About Us” page, and the “Why Choose Us” page.

Below are details of each page and how they can be transmuted into high-conversion pages.

Frequently Asked Questions Page 

There are several reasons why you want an excellent FAQ page. The obvious one is that it helps your visitors get answers to questions they may have, the answers to which might be enough to convince them to purchase or provide their details for a follow-up. 

An FAQ page is also a great way to have additional content on your website, and if it is optimised properly, it can assist in your SEO and efforts to improve your website’s rankings. A handful of suggestions for your FAQ page are:

  • Incorporating an extensive array of conceivable queries
  • Positioning the most recurrently posed questions at the apex of the page
  • Categorising clusters of questions under pertinent headings
  • Include an option for accessing further support 

About Us page

Your “About Us” page is where you can build trust and authority with your website’s visitors, but so many businesses get this wrong and have a page with a mere two or three lines. Even if you are a new business without a history, you, as the business owner, and others you will be building the business with do have histories.

In either scenario, ensure that your “About Us” page achieves the following:

  • Establishes your passion, expertise, and experience
  • Provides details of the people behind the business
  • Has key business information that you know your prospects will want to know
  • Highlights photographs of your team to humanise the business.

Why Choose Us page

This page will tell your visitors what sets your business, products, or services apart from your competition. Here, you will showcase what you offer and aim to stand out from the crowd within your marketplace. Essential elements of a great “Why Choose Us” page include:

  • Identifying your prospects’ pain points and stating why you can help
  • Giving examples of who you have worked with or served before
  • Highlighting awards and industry recognition
  • Showing testimonials, or even better, case studies
  • Having a clear call to action telling prospects what to do next
10 Psychological Triggers To Improve Conversions On Your Website

10 Psychological Triggers To Improve Conversions On Your Website

We are going to discuss a subject that can not only help web designers boost their income, but when it comes to designing websites for clients, it will also give insights as to how they can maximise the performance of their website too. The subject in question is website conversion, and specifically some of the psychological triggers that can turn a website visitor into a buyer. Here are ten of them.

Psychological Trigger #1 – Scarcity

People hate the thought of missing out on something, or equally love that they are getting something few others can have. You might show a countdown to a date and time when your special offer ends, or highlight you have a limited number of discounted website designs available.

Psychological Trigger #2 – Anchoring

Believing that the price of something is high, and then being offered a lower price, even if only slightly lower, can induce a prospect to buy. This can be facilitated by displaying the prices of your very highest priced web design services which include all the extras.

Psychological Trigger #3 – Authority

More than ever, customers want to know they are dealing with a business that has authority, even if that is only a perceived authority. You can show authority by publishing testimonials and any badges relating to industry associations and organisations you are a member of.

Should I use a template or get a custom built website?

Should I use a template or get a custom built website?

This will very much depend on what your website’s purpose is, how much functionality you want and how much you are prepared to invest in it, both in terms of money and time.

With templates, there is no doubt it is going to be a cheaper and quicker option than having a custom-built website. You could literally have a templated website live within minutes. That may be ok if all you want is a simple website that acts as a place holder online for your business, but beyond that, it is not going to do much to drive customers to your business nor get it ranked on Google.

For a start, the functionality of templates is limited, plus, unless you have knowledge and skills in web design, you are not really going to be able to make that many changes to how it looks. This means your website will not be able to build your brand, and it will look much the same as all the other websites out there who are using the same template.